Fire Service Manuals - Volume 1: Fire Service Technology, Equipment and Media
The Office of the Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser (CFRA) was established in October 2007, following the appointment of the first Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser, Sir Ken Knight. The CFRA has replaced what was formerly HM Fire Service Inspectorate.
Fire Service Manuals: Volume 1 - PDF pack

Save 20% with this PDF pack - containing a complete set of downloadable Fire Service Manuals for Volume 1: Fire Service Technology, Equipment and Media.
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Fire and Rescue Authority Operational Guidance - Breathing Apparatus

This guidance will provide support for the fire and rescue services in the resolution of incidents involving breathing apparatus. This supersedes Technical Bulletin 1/1997 Breathing Apparatus Command and Control Procedures.
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Inspection and Testing of Equipment

Describes the current legislation followed by the general principles underlying equipment inspection, maintenance and testing.
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Hydraulics, Pumps and Water Supplies
Firefighting Foam - Technical

Complements the existing manual in 'Volume 2: Fire Service Operations - Firefighting Foam (Operational)' (available below) replacing the 'Manual of Firemanship - Part 3: Hand Pumps, Extinguishers and Foam Equipment'.
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Communications and Mobilising

Supersedes the 'Manual of Firemanship - Book 10: Fire Brigade Communications and Mobilising'.
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Physics and Chemistry for Firefighters

Tthe first part of this book looks at some of the physical properties of matter. Some materials are heavier than others, bulk for bulk.